Full-stack App Development
Web Development
Mobile App Development
About me
Hello, World!
You can call me Josh! I'm someone who grew up with legos and computer parts.
I love building things, being creative and thinking outside of the box! I'm also someone who grew up playing many video games and wouldn't rest until I figured out the solution to win or succeed.
I used to study Architecture and Anthropology but ended up falling in love with programming. Let's build something cool and make a difference in the world!Proficient
Django Address Book
A mulitple users address book application. Users can create their own account, log in/out, create their own personal contact list which they can search/filter/add/delete. The app supports many user accounts and each account have their own private contact list. Fully CRUD
Link to RepoInvestment-advisor
A full stack program that serves 3 main features: A full javascript investment profit calculator that calculates profit/loss and ROI, An information section that teaches new users about the basics of stock investing, A data section that pulls a company's stock data from yahoo finance API.
Link to RepoLinux shell terminal in C
A shell terminal imitation written in C. The terminal supports major linux commands and simulate a simple shell terminal. Can be used for practicing commands.
Link to RepoPython Personal Assistant
A python terminal application that uses web scraping techniques and online data to help the user get the data and gather them in a text file. Most data can be scraped and presented in a newspaper form for the user.
Link to Repo2D story game
A 2d top down story game developed in C# in Unity. This is a group project. Photo editing, map editing, action scripts and creative writing skills were used in this project.
Link to RepoContact Me
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada